Garden Design: Getting it right

Being a master garden designer takes years of work and training and even the best in their field will have struggled to get their first attempt right.
If you are attempting a garden design for the first time, you fear getting it completely wrong, but by heeding the following advice your garden will look surprisingly pleasant and will be a brilliant sight for anyone visiting.
Maintain the Garden ‘Flow’
Recognising that your garden needs a sense of flow, but bearing in mind how tall each plant will grow will help with the design. Placing the taller plants nearer the edges and planting the smaller ones nearer the middle of the garden will help people see all of the wonderful flowers that you choose.
A well shaped lawn is always of real value in showing off the surrounding flower and shrub beds. Just remember the lawn will have to be mowed, so ensure the design allows for turning mowers, and there are no narrow corners, or heavily shaded areas. Get your mower here.
To make sure the centre of your garden is not neglected; why not place small flowerbeds, a bird table or small pond in the middle to give it a more complete look. Look here for bird tables. For ponds here.
If you decide to do the opposite by placing larger plants at the centre of the garden it could also work making the look more dramatic.
Climbing Plants
Perhaps using a trellis decorated with climbing plants could be the centrepiece of your garden. Creating a rising or falling effect by positioning plants of different sizes is important, as you don’t want it to look too disorderly. But at the same time you don’t want it to look too uniform either. Find here.
Balancing the colours is also a tricky but vital part to the design. Make sure that the plant colours don’t clash, as that could ruin the gardens whole look. For example, placing bright red flowers alongside deep purple plants will work as they go well together. Try to place different colours throughout the garden’s elevation changes as well as this will draw the eye and make you search out different features. Find plants here.
Sunlight is Key but so is Privacy
Finally, you should make sure that larger plants aren’t positioned over the top of the smaller ones as they may rob the smaller ones of some much needed sunlight. It’s also worth positioning them to help give you a sense of privacy whenever you’re out in the garden. They can also offer you shade during hot summer days.
By following some of these tips your garden will begin to take shape and you will be able to show it off to everyone.
Having that special end result will make you want to do this over and over again incorporating different designs and colours for different seasons. All your hard work will leave you with a sanctuary which you can proudly say you designed.
Sitting out areas.
Every good garden requires a tranquil outside space for enjoying any good weather we get. Their are numerous choices of ways to achieve this. Paving with attractive stone, decking, artificial grass, gravel. All can be used depending on your taste, but it is important that it drains freely, and is easy to keep clean. Example here.
And of course there are all the extras, such as hot tubs, barbecues, and possibly a gazebo or some other type of cover to provide shelter from wind and showers. Finally the garden furniture, from full suits on the patio, to benches and seats around the garden, there is an endless choice. Have a look here.
Whatever you decide on in the garden, it has to there to be enjoyed by all that use it.