Choose the Best Lawn Mower For Your Lawn
Mowing grass is the most labour intensive part of maintaining a lawn, and certainly has the biggest effect on attaining the desired quality. As a result, one of the most common questions I’m asked is, what is the best lawn mower for my lawn? There is a vast array of different types of grass cutting equipment available, from the real cheapies to expensive high quality professional mowers. I would always advise paying as much as you can afford as, is always the case, you only get what you pay for.
In this article I will explain how the different types of lawn mower affect the quality of the lawn, and why it is important to buy a mower that is suitable for each situation.
The first thing I will explain is the difference between a rotary mower, a cylinder mower, and a strimmer, the main types of domestic grass cutting machines.
The rotary mower is probably the most commonly used on lawns, and comes in many versions, some have wheels, some have front and rear rollers, and some work on a cushion of air.
There is also a choice of either electric or petrol driven models, and whether the forward motion is by manual pushing, or power to the wheels or rollers.
The size and contours of the lawn, and the effort you are prepared to put into mowing, will have to be taken into account when deciding which is best for your lawn.

Rotary Lawn Mowers
Rotary mowers cut the grass with a horizontal slashing action which allows them to be used on longer grass and more uneven ground than cylinder mowers, but the slashing action, even if keeping the blades very sharp, gives a rough edged cut which detracts from the appearance of the lawn after mowing.
Even with the best quality rotary mowers there is also more grass left lying on the surface, again detracting from the appearance, and resulting in a soft thatchy (dead and dying grass material) lawn which is more prone to disease and pest attacks, and wear damage.
You can find some examples of rotary lawn mowers here.

Cylinder Lawn Mowers
Cylinder mowers have a front and rear roller with a bed knife set at the desired cutting height, and a horizontal reel fitted with blades which push the grass onto the bed knife and cut it with a scissor action.
The number of blades on the reel combined with the forward speed, dictate how fine the cutting quality will be. This is because of the number of cuts per metre increases with the number of blades, from the lowest of four blades giving fifty to sixty cuts per metre, up to the professional greens mowers with twelve blades giving five hundred or more cuts per metre.

Cylinder mowers are very much the only option for the better quality lawns and sports surfaces such as golf and bowling greens, as the cut is so much cleaner.
This is not only because it looks so much better, but even more importantly, the grass plant recovers more quickly as the rotary blade bruises and tears the leaf, giving a brownish appearance and healing up much more slowly.
The other main advantage with cylinder mowers is the light rolling action which keeps the lawn surface firmer and smoother.

Cylinder mowers also pick up and throw the grass into the collection box much more efficiently than rotaries, even in wet conditions. The ground has to be reasonably level, with no steep slopes, for any cylinder mower to work properly, and the lawn has to be cut regularly as they do not cope very well with long grass.
A cylinder mower with four or five blades will give a perfectly acceptable lawn for every day use, with any increase in the number of blades giving a correspondingly better quality of finish.
This has to be in conjunction with mowing more regularly as the blades being closer together means they cannot cope with longer grass, which results in what we call ribbing as the blades try to chew their way through the sward.
This also puts strain on the mowers moving parts resulting in expensive repair bills.
You can find an example of a cylinder lawn mower here.

Strimmers are the other option for cutting your lawn. Strimmers are simply hollow metal poles with an engine or electric drive at one end and a rotating head at the other end which is fitted with a spool filled with nylon or plastic cord which cuts the grass.
The spool can be exchanged for a blade to cut heavily overgrown grass and scrub, and some of the higher end models can even be fitted with hedge trimmers and chainsaws.
The cutting quality with strimmers is not great as the grass is being torn off by the cord, doing even more damage than a rotary, and it is difficult to get a level cut.
They are very useful on small awkward areas, for rough ground, close to obstacles such as trees, making sure trees are not damaged in the process of course, and trimming the edge of lawns.
I am specifically warning about trees as strimmer damage causes huge losses of trees and shrubs every year in the UK by damaging the bark. The tree will grow much better if a metre or so is kept clear of other growth by spraying with round-up, or even better, and much more environmentally friendly, by mulching, a good use for grass clippings.
You can find an example of a strimmer here.

Buying the Best Lawn Lower
As a guide to buying the best lawn mower for your requirements, the following advantages and disadvantages of the various types of mower will help you to make an informed choice.
Cylinder lawn mowers
Best for good quality, healthy lawns on a fairly level site with few obstacles, but need to be used more intensively and are more expensive to maintain than rotaries or strimmers.
You can find an example of a cylinder lawn mower here.
Rotary lawn mowers
Best for the lawn owner that just needs to keep the grass cut to a reasonable standard, and can be used less frequently and on uneven ground. Rotaries will also cut down longer grass than cylinder mowers, and are easier and cheaper to maintain. Hovers are particularly good for cutting on slopes.
Rotaries are not good for producing a healthy lawn, and can be messy in damp conditions.
You can find some examples of rotary lawn mowers here.
Strimmers are best for steep slopes, awkward corners and around obstacles. It is very difficult to leave a level surface, and grass cuttings have to be swept up afterwards. Strimmers are also responsible for a lot of damage to other plants and trees as it is difficult to see exactly where the cutting cord is reaching to.
You can find an example of a strimmer here.
To choose a mower for your lawn you need to decide first of all on the quality that you wish to produce, then taking into account the ground conditions and the amount of work you are prepared to put in, pick the type of mower that would be most suitable, then buy the best in the category that you afford.
Look out for a future article with some instruction in how to use, and get the best out of, whatever type of mower you are using.
To some degree all lawn mowers are capable of mowing a lawn, however if you want to go professional then its worth considering this information to get that little extra out of your machine to create that perfect lawn.
Hey thanks for all of this information on lawnmowers. I feel like having a good lawnmower is one of the best ways to keep your lawn looking stellar. I really think I might look into buying a cylinder lawnmower, after having read this article. This posts mentions that they are best for good quality, healthy lawns on a fairly level site with few obstacles. That sounds like my lawn!
Duncan thank you so much for your advice I was looking for ward to investing in a new cyclindrical mower but noted you adviced they are no good on on slantining lawns , Ducan is ther a limit to the angle of the lawn
Hi Harry,
I would say that any more than a 20 degree slope is getting to that limit, not only from the mowers capability, but from the safety aspect as well. Small areas within the lawn can be coped with, but not overall.
Thinking of getting a cylinder lawn mower now. Never considered them before!
My brother recently moved into a home that has a large lawn. He is trying to decide what lawn mower would work best for his situation. I didn’t know that rotary lawn mowers are used on uneven ground to cut down long grass. That seems like something that could be used in some areas of his yard.
I had never even thought about getting the right mower for my lawn. I always thought it was pretty much a one-size-fits-all kind of thing. Thanks for this great website!
Thanks for helping me understand the different lawnmowers out there. I actually thought there’s just one type of lawnmower. I think a cylinder mower would be a great choice because of how it keeps the lawn surface firmer and smoother. I’ll make sure to keep this in mind for when I go lawnmower shopping.
What is the best type of lawn mower that you recommend for budget of $2k? Thanks.
Choosing the right mower for your lawn can transform your gardening routine. A well-suited mower ensures a pristine cut, effortless operation, and a tailored fit for your lawn’s unique needs. It’s the ultimate tool for achieving a beautifully manicured garden with ease.