Lawns for You

A guide to lawn care, lawn mowing and creating the perfect green lawn.

Month: March 2011

Lawn Environment

Light from the sun is the life force that enables grass to grow by converting radiant energy to chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis, resulting in the green colouration. Although the natural daylight through the seasons cannot be controlled,…

Grass & lawn weeds

Now is the time to get control of the moss in your lawn by applying sulphate of iron and urea or amonia via your sprayer or watering can. Once the moss is dead (it goes black over the course of…

Grass Types

There are literally hundreds of different grass types which, to the layman, mostly look the same. It’s green, it’s grass, after all!  Well, the fact is that as far as our lawns are concerned in the UK climate, and in…